====== искусственный интеллект ИИ AI ====== - https://publish.obsidian.md/aidanhelfant/Concept+Notes/%E2%AD%90Best+ChatGPT+prompts#Based%20on%20notes теория https://qengineering.eu/deep-learning-with-raspberry-pi-and-alternatives.html \\ курс https://course.fast.ai/ - https://github.com/yury-sannikov/course-v3?tab=readme-ov-file \\ рекомендации https://help.openai.com/en/articles/6654000-best-practices-for-prompt-engineering-with-the-openai-api \\ - https://chat.claudeai.ai/chats https://www.ai-portraits.org/ru https://www.stablediffusionai.ai/ - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jib1wjgIaa4 - models llama2 - https://www.chatpdf.com/ - https://chat.chatbot.sex/chat/ - https://chat.forefront.ai/ - https://github.com/xtekky/gpt4free ====== искусственный интеллект ИИ AI - Photo - screenshot OCR ====== - prepare graphics - ocr - https://convertio.co/ru/ocr/chinese/ - online editor https://www.img2go.com/ - screenshot снимок экрана - remove image background - удалить задний фон https://pixian.ai/ https://removal.ai/upload https://www.i2img.com/image-background-remover - picture qr-codes read https://products.aspose.app/barcode/recognize/qr#/recognized ===== AI prompt ===== * ''let`s think step by step'' * '' explain ... in simple terms. explain to me like I'm 10 years old. and also give me many examples in table format to make it more simple and easy to understand. '' * prompt example * a way to produce productivity -> https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=l-kE11fhfaQ * ''Brainstorm new recipes with only five ingredients: chicken, broccoli, cream, pasta and basil.'' * ''Steps to improve a company's employee retention rates.'' -> ''What steps can a company take to enhance its employee retention rates? Provide a list of practical strategies.'' ===== Ai services ===== * https://www.onlineocr.net/ * https://huggingface.co/spaces/sanchit-gandhi/whisper-jax - голос на записи в текст * запись в текст https://plaud.ai/ * задний фон https://www.photoroom.com/%D1%83%D0%B1%D1%80%D0%B0%D1%82%D1%8C-%D1%84%D0%BE%D0%BD-%D0%BE%D0%BD%D0%BB%D0%B0%D0%B9%D0%BD ===== ChatGPT ===== Как работать с GPT-4 https://habr.com/ru/articles/758520/ \\ Prompt Cheat Sheet \\ {{:pasted:20230503-112806.png?400 |}} ===== Promt for Claude backup VM virsh ===== ++++ Prompt | you are a proffesional phyton3 programmer. you need to write a python3 code with classes and logging to file. Logging to stdout only if we have a argument "-v". We need make a backup of selected in defined list vm of kvm and to do backup of every vm with name of "name_of_vm" by shell process with command f"docker run --rm \ -v /run:/run -v /var/tmp:/var/tmp -v /mnt/synology/skala_bkp_nfs/rvirt04/:/mnt/backups -v /var/lib/libvirt/images:/var/lib/libvirt/images \ docker-virtnbdbackup \ virtnbdbackup -d {name_of_vm} -l uto -o /mnt/backups/{name_of_vm}". need to convert this string of shell command to python3 subprocess module list format way and replace all occurring pattern {name_of_vm} to "name_of_vm" currently backing up name of vm. save log from shell process and analyze exit code with logging of every cmd. also need cleanup old copies older than 60 days of every name_of_vm of path "/mnt/synology/skala_bkp_nfs/rvirt04/{name_of_vm}" need to add to logging start entry and stop entry . in stop entry need to add elapsed seconds, also need similar start stop to main script. also need to add min try catch and save error,line need full code without explanation ++++ ++++ Prompt - create a static golang with api and postgresql| can you write the most efficient GOlang source code implements server application with handlers for running SQL queries in postgressql and returning results in JSON format. with proper error handling also during sql and logging. source code need to compile in single static file code ++++ ==== AI - create bash script for execute nagios passive ==== ++++ Prompt - create bash script for nagios| you are a proffesional bash programmer. you need to write a bash script start_metrics.sh with logging to file start_metrtics.log and config in variable on top of file. need to print logging to stdout if we have started a script whith an argument "-v" ! config url="". config bash array metrics is contain elements for parse and execution , example metrics=( "RAID_mismatch_virt04|./check_linux_raid_mismatch.sh|-p1 1|400" "RAID_rvirt04|./check_raid.pl") Script need to Process each element in the metrics array : 0. for example split element of array "RAID_mismatch_virt04|./check_linux_raid_mismatch.sh|-p1 1|400" to and execute "./check_linux_raid_mismatch.sh -p1 1 400" something like ``` for metric in "${metrics[@]}"; do # Split the metric into its components IFS='|' read -r -a components <<< "$metric" # Extract the command and parameters metric_name=${components[0]} cmd=${components[1]} params=${components[@]:2} # Execute the command with parameters and redirect stderr to a file output=$( "$cmd" $params 2> >(tee /tmp/stderr.tmp >&2) ) exitcode=$? .... done ``` and firstly save exitcode to variable $exitcode, stdout to variable $stdout. redirect stderr to file and then read file to variable $srtderr and delete file with stderr 2. save for every execution duration of execution, exitcode, stdout and stderr to variables $dur, $exitcode$, 3. format $mess="fed-hw;$metric_name;$errorcode;$stdout" 4. send ``` curl \ --request "POST" \ --user 'fed_monitor:l3tm31n' \ --header 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded' \ --data-urlencode "perfdata=$mess" \ --url $url ``` in log need to save curl commond and stdout and stderr of curl execution every main step need to be in log file. first log entry is "---start" and concat with date. finish entry is string "=== Stop" and concat with duration of total execution of script and number of success and failed metrics ++++ ==== Ai prompt to fill table ==== ++++ заполнить таблицу календаря| нужно заполнить таблицу в которой 10 столбцов каждый элемент в строке представляет из себя формат "1 - 24.05" , где 1 это первые день в расчетном периоде , а 24.05 - это дата 24.05.2024 , второй элемент в строке  "2 - 25.05"  и так далее. при заполнении всей строки создается новая снизу и продолжается заполнение ее. необходимо создать таблицу по правилам выше с 24.05.2024 по 31.07.2024 ++++