====== My xpenology ======
arc loader
| date ^ name ^ code ^ comment ^
| | | | |
| 2024-04-21 | xpen-test2 | FGENUHQKL | after update |
| 2024-04-21 | xpen-test2 | BBMLK4Z49 | before backup |
====== Idea ======
* Собираем бюджетный домашний NAS на 14 ТБ [[https://habr.com/ru/companies/ruvds/articles/837642/]]
* купить [[https://habr.com/ru/articles/775240/|корпус habr]] [[https://www.avito.ru/moskva/tovary_dlya_kompyutera/nas_svoimi_rukami_konstruktor_dlya_sborki_3842504445?utm_campaign=native&utm_medium=item_page_ios&utm_source=soc_sharing|NAS своими руками (конструктор для сборки)]]
* купить [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005003432672849.html?gatewayAdapt=glo2rus&sku_id=12000025764423059|Ethernet-адаптер 2500 Мбит/с, USB Type-C на RJ45]]
* купить низкопрофильный вентилятор [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005004565570220.html?sku_id=12000033659734064&spm=a2g2w.productlist.search_results.9.d0671277tFw1ON|Thermalright AXP-90 X36 ]]
* низкопрофильный вентилятор [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005004058903247.html?aff_platform=true&aff_short_key=_eNJs8N&feed_id=12&isdl=y&sku_id=12000027894253313&src=yandexfree|innovision fan]]
====== Synology News ======
** Find synology ** http://find.synology.com или http://synologynas:5000 ( synologynas.local:5000 apple)
-- Script
# Temp and fan
echo fan && cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon1/device/fan*_input && echo 'temp' && cat /sys/class/hwmon/hwmon0/temp*_input
upsc ups | grep load
# Smart get data
smartctl -a /dev/sda -d sat
lvs -a -o +devices
* https://bafista.ru/
* https://nascompares.com/news/synology-2023-nas-confirmed-releases-predictions/
===== Synology proxmox install =====
===== Synology Install =====
*Synology on proxmox https://hotstuff.asia/2023/01/03/xpenology-with-arpl-on-proxmox-the-easy-way/ \\ virtual dsm in docker https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/68136-new-virtual-dsm-in-docker/page/4/
- Install community packages source https://packages.synocommunity.com
- install packages and dev tools ++ BASH|
sh-4.4# synopkg list --name
# https://linuxcommandlibrary.com/man/synopkg man of synopkg
Docker synocli-kernel
ActiveInsight synocli-misc
OAuthService synokernel-usbserial
SynoFinder synocli-net
exFAT-Free HybridShare
ScsiTarget synocli-disk
Virtualization SMBService
PlexMediaServer FileStation
Python2 synocli-monitor
synocli-file SecureSignIn
DownloadStation ReplicationService
SnapshotReplication StorageAnalyzer
sh-4.4# synopkg install_from_server Node.js_v12
- Diagnostic toold ''sudo synogear install'' ++ BASH|
Run iotop tcpdump, pidstat -dlh 20 etc. on Synology DiskStation or RackStation with Synogear without ipkg
# https://blog.spaps.de/run-iotop-tcpdump-etc-on-synology-diskstation-or-rackstation-with-synogear/
addr2name kill pidstat sar
arping killall ping sid2ugid.sh
bash ldd ping6 slabtop
cifsiostat log-analyzer.sh pkill sockstat
clockdiff lsof pmap speedtest-cli.py
dig ltrace prtstat strace
domain_test.sh mpstat ps sysctl
file name2addr pstree sysstat
fix_idmap.sh ncat pwdx tcpdump
free ndisc6 rarpd tcpdump_wrapper
fuser nethogs rdisc tcpspray
gcore nfsiostat-sysstat rdisc6 tcpspray6
gdb nmap rltraceroute6 tcptraceroute6
gdbserver nping rview telnet
iftop nslookup rvim time
iostat peekfd sa1 tload
iotop perf-check.py sa2 top
iperf pgrep sadc tracepath
iperf3 pidof sadf
- Install entware - https://github.com/Entware/Entware/wiki/Install-on-Synology-NAS
- Notification to telegram - <''https://api.telegram.org/bot(Токен)/sendMessage?chat_id=(IDчата)&text=Hello+world&user=NAS920&password=Password&to=12345678''> <''https://api.telegram.org/bot(Токен)/getUpdates''>
- UPS ++ config|
- Synology – Moving a package between volumes - https://bartlaarhoven.nl/posts/synology-move-packages/ [[https://veducate.co.uk/synology-moving-a-package-between-volumes/|DSM6]]
===== Synology boot Loader =====
* update xpenology
* Arc Loader https://auxxxilium.tech/redpill/
====== Synology ======
* loaders https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/61634-dsm-7x-loaders-and-platforms/#comment-281190
* loader https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/65408-automated-redpill-loader-arpl/
* basic command lines CLI synology - https://mariushosting.com/synology-basic-command-lines-for-dsm-7/
* manual https://global.download.synology.com/download/Document/Hardware/HIG/DiskStation/18-year/DS918+/rus/Syno_QIG_DS918_Plus_rus.pdf
* https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/62547-tutorial-install-dsm-7x-with-tinycore-redpill-tcrp-loader-on-esxi/
* https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/62221-tutorial-installmigrate-to-dsm-7x-with-tinycore-redpill-tcrp-loader/
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7npsbNCEW2g&ab_channel=%D0%94%D0%9C%D0%98%D0%A2%D0%A0%D0%98%D0%99%D0%9C%D0%90%D0%9A%D0%A1%D0%98%D0%9C%D0%9E%D0%92
====== Synology monitoring ======
* synology monitoring https://github.com/kernelkaribou/synology-monitoring
====== Synology hardware ======
* find out cpu type https://kb.synology.com/en-uk/DSM/tutorial/What_kind_of_CPU_does_my_NAS_have
* [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005004158071127.html?spm=a2g0o.store_pc_groupList.8148356.3.3d985f84qFoJGX&pdp_npi=2%40dis%21RUB%219%C2%A0391%2C80%20%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B1.%219%C2%A0391%2C80%20%D1%80%D1%83%D0%B1.%21%21%21%21%21%40211675d216704452085871137ea311%2112000028227145556%21sh&sku_id=12000028227145556|материнская плата]] Innovision atx sata 6.0
* реобас - устройство для подключения и управления вентиляторами
====== CPU mutants - мутанты ======
* https://xeon-e5450.ru/socket-1151/ql2x-ql3x/
* https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gb5fmwju8yg
* https://overclockers.ru/blog/NuJIevik/show/60758/modifikaciya-bios-dlya-processorov-mutantov-6-9-pokoleniya
====== Synology problems resolving ======
* [[https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/50758-let-synology-photos-face-recognition-works-without-gpu-support-forces-with-cpu-in-ds918/#comment-225634|face recognition patch]]
* thumbnails in explorer windows - https://github.com/bruhov/WinThumbsPreloader/
* https://www.synology.com/en-us/support/RAID_calculator?
* !!! DSM7 918+ NVME cache patch - https://nguyenvinh-net.translate.goog/xpenology-mod-driver-de-nhan-o-nvme-tren-ds918-chay-dsm-7.html?_x_tr_sl=vi&_x_tr_tl=en&_x_tr_hl=en&_x_tr_pto=sc
* !!! grub sata sas configuration https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/32867-sata-and-sas-config-commands-in-grubcfg-and-what-they-do/
* using external disk as internal https://www.droider.org/content/dobavlenie-bolshego-kolichestva-diskov-xpenologysynology https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eWQCdC1hIow&list=PLhMEv36usktPbSAHaZB-bXjuozcyHyzfn
* sata not showing https://www.reddit.com/r/Xpenology/comments/vq2xv6/redpill_71_sata_drives_not_showing/
* example synology commands https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/58072-how-to-have-ds3622xs-recognize-nvme-ssd-cache-drive-maybe-works-on-other-models/
* blog about https://mariushosting.com/category/synology-hardware/
* install on not synology hardware - https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/7848-links-to-loaders/
* tutorial install https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/13333-tutorialreference-6x-loaders-and-platforms/
* **Synology Compile kernel module** https://github.com/jim3ma/synology-igc#3-load-module
* instruction https://github.com/robertklep/dsm7-usb-serial-drivers
* **Synology ds3622xs Fix nvme ssd cache** https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/58072-how-to-have-ds3622xs-recognize-nvme-ssd-cache-drive-maybe-works-on-other-models/
====== Synology virtualization ======
* nested virtualization - https://www.reddit.com/r/homelab/comments/tfdw6s/nested_vms_on_a_synology_nas/
* working with disks on direct convert to qcow2 https://www.bjoerns-techblog.de/2019/02/migration-von-synology-vms/
===== manual expand volume =====
* red hat resize lvm - https://www.redhat.com/sysadmin/resize-lvm-simple
* fsck + tunefs help https://baks.dev/article/terminal/fsck-command-in-linux-repair-file-system https://phoenixnap.com/kb/fsck-command-linux
# https://web.archive.org/web/20160116172554/http://idmedia.no/projects/xpenology/expand-volume-synolgy-dsm-doesnt-want/
# on linux not synology
mdadm --assemble --scan
modprobe dm-mod
vgchange -ay vg1000
sudo fsck.ext4 -fvp /dev/vg1000/lv
sudo resize2fs -fpF /dev/vg1000/lv
# on synology
# get information
synodisk --enum
synodisk --detectfs /volume1
cat /etc/fstab
cat /proc/mdstat
++++DSM7 online |
# on DSM7
#ame problem here. I finally figured out a workaround. If you look at the help for synostgvolume it'll tell you it can "unmount volume with stopping service". I did synostgvolume --unmount -p /volume1
#Though the NAS did send me an email saying "Volume 1 has crashed", so it clearly didn't safely stop any other processes first. Oops.
#But at least once it was unmounted I was able to do everything else as necessary:
vgchange -ay
fsck.ext4 -vf /dev/mapper/cachedev_0
# to kill all except ssh
synpoweroff -d
#which looks like it should do what syno_poweroff_task -d did; the help says "will not stop sshd" but it immediately shuts off the NAS so it's useless.)
++++DSM6 online|
# on SYNOLOGY DSM6 process to resize https://web.archive.org/web/20161114073829/http://www.mauchle.name/blog/?p=235
# forum synology https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/1957-guide-how-to-expand-the-volume-if-dsm-doesnt-want-to/page/3/
# 1.enable ssh open winscp with root user:
syno_poweroff_task -d # (turns everything off except ssh)
vgchange -ay vg1 # (this is the volume name from cat /etc/fstab)
fsck.ext4 -v -n -f /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2 # (no changes)
cat /etc/fstab
umount /volume1
mount # (check if volume is unmounted)
fsck.ext4 -fvp /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2
fsck.ext4 -v -n -f /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2
lvextend -l +100%FREE /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2
resize2fs -fpF /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2
tune2fs -l /dev/mapper/vg1-volume_2
===== Synology Move packages to another volume =====
* base script https://github.com/JeffersonDing/SynologyMerge
* cmds
# find symbolic links
find . -type l -ls
# recursive links
find -type l -not \( -path "./volume*" -o -path "./sys*" -o -path "./dev*" -o -path "./proc*" -o -path "./tmp*" -prune \) -ls > /tmp/links.txt
# find broken symbolic links
find . -type l ! -exec test -e {} \; -print
# if has stat
b=$(find / -type l); for i in $(echo $b); do stat $i ; done |grep -i broken 2> /dev/null
===== Cloning single disk drive to multiple drives simultaneously =====
tools for clone disk like dc3dd and clonezilla
++++or bash dd|
You can use bash's "process substitution" along with the tee command to do this:
cat drive.image | tee >(dd of=/dev/sda) >(dd of=/dev/sdb) >(dd of=/dev/sdc) | dd of=/dev/sdd
or for clarity (at the expense of a little efficiency) you can make the last dd be called the same way as the others and send the stdout of tee to /dev/null:
cat drive.image | tee >(dd of=/dev/sda) >(dd of=/dev/sdb) >(dd of=/dev/sdc) >(dd of=/dev/sdd) | /dev/null
and if you have it installed you can use pipe viewer instead of cat to get a useful progress indicator:
pv drive.image | tee >(dd of=/dev/sda) >(dd of=/dev/sdb) >(dd of=/dev/sdc) | dd of=/dev/sdd
This reads
====== Synology Restore ======
* https://kb.synology.com/ru-ru/DSM/tutorial/How_can_I_recover_data_from_my_DiskStation_using_a_PC
====== Synology Diagnostic tool ======
* DSM7 install Entware https://github.com/Entware/Entware/wiki/Install-on-Synology-NAS
* DSM7 ''sudo synogear install'' https://mariushosting.com/synology-how-to-install-diagnosis-tool/
* hot swap manual delete - rescan - https://blog.kihltech.com/2012/12/sata-hotswap-drive-in-mdadm-raid-array/
++++Linux sata manual rescan|
#When a drive has failed in some circumstances Linux won't realise you've actually pulled it physically from the array. If you have that problem (as I did this morning) #you can do the following:
echo 1 > /sys/block//device/delete
#e.g., in my case, /dev/sda had failed and I didn't want to reboot the server, so I did:
echo 1 > /sys/block/sda/device/delete
#After I did that, the new drive (which had actually been physically added already) was immediately visible.
#If it is not visible at this point, you can also do this to force a re-scan:
echo "- - -" > /sys/class/scsi_host/host/scan
# That "- - -" is wildcards for channel, id & LUN respectively, so you can restrict the scan to some subset if you want by specifying numbers instead.
# Before you start, you could also:
readlink /sys/block/
# Which will show you the path with the right host number to check in /proc/scsi/scsi for disappearence after removal.
====== Synology photo ======
one of best choice
* https://www.photoprism.app/ - one of best for synology
* https://immich.app/
====== Synology packages ======
https://packages.synocommunity.com/ \\
https://synology.sysco.ch \\
https://www.cphub.net \\
https://packages.pcloadletter.co.uk \\
https://packages.jdel.org/ \\
https://synopackage.com/repository/spk/All \\
http://synology.acmenet.ru \\
====== Synology package creation ======
* https://www.blackvoid.club/wireguard-spk-for-your-synology-nas/
====== Synology destroy drive from superblock and meta data ======
# удалить superblock + meta data
$ SIZE=$(( $(blockdev --getsz $YOUR_DEV) - 10240 ))
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=$YOUR_DEV bs=512 count=10240
$ dd if=/dev/zero of=$YOUR_DEV bs=512 seek=$SIZE count=10240
====== Synology surveillance CCTV ======
* https://saniaowner.space/2021/12/04/synology-surveillance-station-vzlomannaya-versiya/
* https://habr.com/ru/post/700484/ photo - to telegram https://www.reddit.com/r/homeassistant/comments/ue3p0m/home_assistant_synology_surveillance_station/ https://www.reddit.com/r/synology/comments/a1smun/surveillance_station_to_telegram/
* https://bafista.ru/xpenology-surveillance-station-patch-liczenzij-na-56-kamer/
====== Synology DSM ======
* Cross compilation framework to create native packages - https://github.com/SynoCommunity/spksrc/wiki/FAQ-SynoCliDisk
* synology source code https://xpenology.com/forum/topic/56098-dsm-70-kernel-source-missed-for-over-half-a-year/#comment-263382
* synology kernel module compilation example - https://github.com/kyzia/Xpenology/blob/master/README.md ([[https://yulistic.gitlab.io/2017/10/compiling-kernel-module-only-w/o-whole-kernel-compilation/| onlu module without kernel]]) ([[https://github.com/jim3ma/synology-igc#build-in-synology-develop-environment|Intel igc]]
====== Interesting ======
for synology
* dashy
* nodered
* z2m
* mosquitto
* syncthing
* influxdb/grafana/chronograf/telegraf
* gitea
* freshrss
* rsshub
* vaultwarden
* traefik
* esphome
* minio
* kms_server
* photoprism
====== My Xpen ======
{{gallery>hardware:pasted:?20231014*&4&150x150&lightbox }}
===== My hardware =====
* [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005004540711069.html?sku_id=12000029536295506&spm=a2g2w.stores.seller_list.1.e5762a00fC0993|корзина hot-swap]]
* вентиляторы - [[https://ozon.ru/t/AM6wy6Z|Arctic P8 PWM ]]4 + [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/4000774030622.html?spm=a2g2w.orderdetail.0.0.980e4aa660SnhC&sku_id=12000018441074112|ШИМ PWM Fan Speed governor]] - для температурного управления и остановки
* БП flex -> 500 watt - текущее потребление ~50w
* отдельно стоит отметить отличную [[https://aliexpress.ru/item/1005004158038236.html|MB от innovision]]
* LGA-1151 - b360
* 6*SATA 3.0 + 2*M.2 nvme на борту
* +2 x 2.5 GB ethernet штатно
**по ощущения от корпуса 4/5 от MB 5/5**
==== Fan ====
* приличные вентиляторы не шумят <30 db , слышно шпиндели и головки
ранее использовал sunon(подшипник с магнитным подвесом) - надёжнее но громче, noctua дорого и после переехал в рабочее место оно ближе и должно быть тише
==== Scheme ====
{{ :hardware:synology:network_diagram.svg |}}
==== conclusion ====
* блок питания flex дорого и экономить на нём нельзя,
* верхних вентиляторов штатно нет - доработка,
* индикации под LCD экран нет, - готовлю отдельный вырез на морде.