====== Interesting JS ES ====== * standard for development https://remix.run/ * es levels support (es6 es next) https://node.green/ * https://www.better.dev/declaring-javascript-variables-var-let-const * interactive map https://witcher3map.com/t/#3/64.00/70.56 * sandbox example https://www.w3resource.com/javascript-exercises/javascript-date-exercise-7.php ====== Javascript Tranding popularity trand insight ====== * https://gist.github.com/tkrotoff/b1caa4c3a185629299ec234d2314e190 * https://insights.stackoverflow.com/trends * https://insights.stackoverflow.com/survey/2021# ====== Data Visualization ====== * https://habr.com/ru/companies/astralinux/articles/814881/ - holoviews ===== Programming Javascript JS ES===== * https://jsoneditoronline.org/ json online * [[https://tobiasahlin.com/blog/move-from-jquery-to-vanilla-javascript/#document-ready|Jquery to vanilla javascript]] ===== javascipt Components ===== * https://bit.dev/ - components for all components ===== Javascript JSON ===== JMESPath - features[?geometry.type == `LineString`] // Filter function for https://jsoneditoronline.org/ and recursive filter names function query(data) { return _.chain(data) .mapValues(value => { if (_.isPlainObject(value)) { return filterKeys(value, ['name','mess']); } return value; }) .pickBy(obj => _.isPlainObject(obj) && Object.keys(obj).length > 0) .map( (item) => item["object Object"]) .value(); } function filterKeys(obj, wildcards) { const result = {}; const filter = (val, key, parent) => { if (_.isPlainObject(val)) { _.forEach(val, filter); } if (_.some(wildcards, wildcard => _.includes(key, wildcard))) { _.set(result, `${parent}.${key}`, val); } }; filter(obj, 'root', 'root'); return result; } ==== Javascript.Chrome ==== - [[https://twitter.com/sulco/status/1177559150563344384?s=09|`document.designMode`]] that feeling when you first discovered **`document.designMode`** https://t.co/bxA1otzCjN * [[http://bgrins.github.io/devtools-snippets/#console-save|Chrome console snippete]] ++++ Chrome console load library | async function loadScript(url) { let response = await fetch(url); let script = await response.text(); eval(script); } let scriptUrl = 'https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/html2canvas/0.4.1/html2canvas.min.js' loadScript(scriptUrl); ++++ ++++ Chrome console save method | (function(console){ console.save = function(data, filename){ if(!data) { console.error('Console.save: No data') return; } if(!filename) filename = 'console.json' if(typeof data === "object"){ data = JSON.stringify(data, undefined, 4) } var blob = new Blob([data], {type: 'text/json'}), e = document.createEvent('MouseEvents'), a = document.createElement('a') a.download = filename a.href = window.URL.createObjectURL(blob) a.dataset.downloadurl = ['text/json', a.download, a.href].join(':') e.initMouseEvent('click', true, false, window, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, false, false, false, false, 0, null) a.dispatchEvent(e) } })(console) ++++ ++++ Process obect | var sorted = vpns.reduce( (result, vpn) => { Object.keys(vpn).reduce((c, k) => (c[k.toLowerCase()] = vpn[k], c), {}); result[vpn.Login.toLowerCase()]=vpn; return result; }, []); var sorted = vpns.reduce( (result, vpn) => { var key = vpn.Login.toLowerCase(); //first property: a, b, c result[key] = vpn; return result; }, {}); ++++ ++++ Manipulating data | // Yandex maps example "{"type":"Feature","id":10,"geometry":{"type":"Point","coordinates":[56.257111,58.012524]},"properties":{"description":"Россия, Пермь, улица Луначарского, 4","iconCaption":"3102 (1771 чел.)","marker-color":"#ed4543"}}" { type: b.type, id: b.id, geometry: b.geometry, type: b.geometry.type, long: b.geometry.coordinates[0] , lat: b.geometry.coordinates[1] , properties: b.properties, description: b.properties.description, iconCaption: b.properties.iconCaption, markercolor: b.properties.marker-color } b=a.features.map( (b) => { return { type: b.type, id: b.id, type: b.geometry.type, long: b.geometry.coordinates[0] , lat: b.geometry.coordinates[1] , description: b.properties.description, iconCaption: b.properties.iconCaption?b.properties.iconCaption:"none", markercolor: b.properties["marker-color"] }; } ) ++++ ++++ Example Fetch | var url = new URL(""), params = {lat:35.696233, long:139.570431}; Object.keys(params).forEach(key => url.searchParams.append(key, params[key])) fetch(url) .then(response => response.json()) .then(data => console.log(data)) ++++ ==== Javascript Google Api==== * [[https://www.freecodecamp.org/news/cjn-google-sheets-as-json-endpoint/|How to use Google Sheets as a JSON Endpoint]] ===== React ===== * Theo - ping․gg interesting author - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7m14f0ZzMyY (vite,nextjs,vercel) ==== NodeJS ==== * https://npmcompare.com/ - compare library * rust on javascript , deno against nodejs https://habr.com/ru/post/591173/ * [[https://habr.com/ru/post/485294/|Современный курс по Node.js в 2020]] === Nodejs.log === * [[https://blog.morizyun.com/javascript/library-typescript-pino-logger.html|library typescript pino logger]] === Node.js speed === * [[https://www.smashingmagazine.com/2018/06/nodejs-tools-techniques-performance-servers/|Keeping Node.js Fast]] [[https://medium.com/@smashingmag/keeping-node-js-fast-tools-techniques-and-tips-for-making-high-performance-node-js-servers-8cfcb55e3d7| Medium ]] ==== Angular ==== * [[https://blog.bitsrc.io/10-useful-angular-features-youve-probably-never-used-e9e33f5c35a7|Angular reuse]]