====== Windows ====== - https://www.wagnardsoft.com/forums/viewtopic.php?t=4908 - uninstall graphical driver - https://uupdump.net/ - Windows 11 - - license of windows https://youtu.be/mD7ERK_AMss - https://files.rg-adguard.net/category - list of files microsoft ++++ Win10 info| помни про 15............12 пинГвИН биДоН U2FsdGVkX18GAHJdd2fJB2oUdx+kkenyLF9vQxx5pGL8F2CWe3uMt6pp9dh8wxlw gacExwmjpFtTrVtdvT1FAFyy9bBA9Rl5N9aGbwnAlDTcBszMLgBfC2ah7HmyD1qZ d/o6PRHAUfDUhgx4antdC1q8nh5pSxjqN0FCwFUMqlM= ++++ traystatus PRO - отображение capslock \\ https://epic-pen.com/ - рисование на экране для ВКС \\ \\live.sysinternals.com\tools \\ * https://webrtc.github.io/samples/src/content/devices/input-output/ - test video audio тестирование микрофона и камеры webrtc ====== Windows 40 commands cmds cmd====== - 40 commands cmds cmd - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jfvg3CS1X3A ++++ Windows - команды cmds | ipconfig ipconfig /all findstr - Выполняет поиск шаблонов текста в файлах. ipconfig /release ipconfig /renew ipconfig /displaydns ipconfig /renew clip - еренаправляет выходные данные команды из командной строки в буфер обмена Windows. - | clip , clip < ipconfig /flushdns nslookup cls getmac /v powercfg /energy powercfg /batteryreport assoc chkdsk /f chkdsk /r sfc /scannnow DISM /Online /Cleanup /CheckHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup /ScanHealth DISM /Online /Cleanup /RestoreHealth tasklist taskkill netsh wlan show wlanreport netsh interface show interface netsh interface ip show address | findstr “IP Address” netsh interface ip show dnsservers netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state off netsh advfirewall set allprofiles state on ping ping -t tracert tracert -d netstat netstat -af netstat -o netstat -e -t 5 route print route add route delete shutdown /r /fw /f /t 0 - reboot to uefi ++++ ====== Windows настройка====== - set network type Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "gorodperm.ru" -NetworkCategory Private - set TimeZone Set-TimeZone -Id "Ekaterinburg Standard Time" -PassThru - rename computer Rename-Computer -NewName "main-210XXX" - turn ping ok Параметры сети -> центр управления общим доступом -> включить общий доступ к файлам и принтерам = заработает PING ===== Windows.настройка RDP ===== Удалённое Подключение PowerShell - Enter-PSSession –ComputerName host [-Credential username] Активация удаленного доступа Настройка удаленного доступа powershell < https://softwarekeep.com/help-center/how-to-enable-remote-desktop-on-windows > # #Enable Remote Desktop connections Set-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\‘ -Name “fDenyTSConnections” -Value 0 #Enable Network Level Authentication Set-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\‘ -Name “UserAuthentication” -Value 1 #Enable Windows firewall rules to allow incoming RDP Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Desktop” Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Desktop Users" -Member foo ===== Windows Оснастки ===== * оснастки https://hd01.ru/info/kak-otkryt-upravlenie-kompjuterom-cherez/ ====== Windows folders ====== - создать МЕНЮ - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu - %appdata% - https://docs.microsoft.com/ru-ru/windows/deployment/usmt/usmt-recognized-environment-variables ====== Windows Action ====== - Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,5 - вывести на рабочий стол Мой компьютер - diskmgmt.msc - Управление дисками - compmgmt.msc - Управление компьютером - cleanmgr.exe - менеджер очистки ====== Windows ipsec ====== -> to fix ipsec Explore Command (Windows Key + E) Right Click on "This PC", and select "Manage" Once Computer Management Opens, click "Device Manager" Under Network Adapters, uninstall all adapters starting with "WAN Miniport" - Right click, Uninstall Once you've uninstalled all, go to the menu and select "Scan for Hardware Changes" and those adapters will reinstall automatically without restarting. Now your VPN should work properly. I've run into this twice after clean installs of Windows 10 and after resetting the LAN network adapter. мне помогло источник ====== Windows app store winget ====== * всё очистить ''Get-AppXPackage | where-object {$_.name -notlike '*store*'} | Remove-AppxPackage'' * winstore install winget * https://winstall.app/packs/fX_Qq9a4p - interesting pack * https://winget.run/pkg/FarManager/FarManager * https://winstall.app/ * https://winstall.app/packs/eqr6tB52c interesting pack ms-windows-store://pdp/?productid=9nblggh4nns1 winget install -e --id FarManager.FarManager winget install -e --id Google.Chrome winget install -e --id FarManager.FarManager ====== Beauty ====== * создать меню C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs * desktop beauty https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xHj0juUACFk * расстояние между значками https://vynesimozg.com/kak-izmenit-rasstoyanie-mezhdu-znachkami-na-rabochem-stole-v-windows/ ====== Disable windows tracking ====== * https://github.com/10se1ucgo/DisableWinTracking ====== windows drive trim / unmap scsi Space Reclamation, thin provisioning ====== * https://support.purestorage.com/Solutions/Microsoft_Platform_Guide/sss_Windows_Server_Features_and_Integrations/Windows_Space_Reclamation * sdelete from mark rusinovich ====== windows robocopy ====== # join 2018 -> 2020 answer Robocopy \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\answer_files_2018\ \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\answer_files\ /TEE /E /R:2 /eta /Z /COPY:DA /v /compress /log:"c:\tmp\robocopy_ISOJ_answer_files_join.log" Robocopy \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\files_2018\ \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\files\ /TEE /E /R:2 /eta /Z /COPY:DA /v /compress /log:"c:\tmp\robocopy_ISOJ_files_join.log" Copy directory recursively (/E), copy all file information (/COPYALL, equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU, D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps, S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=Auditing info) , do not retry locked files (/R:0) (the number of retries on failed copies default value is 1 million), preserve original directories' Timestamps (/DCOPY:T - requires version XP026 or later): удаление пустых каталогов - remove empty directories catalogues folders Robocopy \\\esb-smb\uismv-db-files\СообщениеВИС \\\esb-smb\uismv-db-files\СообщениеВИС /S /Move ====== windows backup ====== * https://www.macrium.com/reflectfree * https://www.tenforums.com/windows-10-news/176011-kb5000842-windows-10-insider-beta-19043-906-21h1-rp-19042-906-20h2-7.html - trouble of update windows with utils ====== windows clone ====== - меняем SID для регистрации в домене клона https://www.starwindsoftware.com/tmplink/starwindconverter.exe ====== windows remote assistant ====== runas /netonly /user:gorodperm.ru\melnikov-ea cmd msra /offerra ====== drivers ====== * https://remontka.pro/drivers-backup-windows-10/ dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\DriverBackup In the PowerShell window, type the following command and hit Enter: Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination D:\DriverBackup Here D:\Driver Backup is the destination folder, where the Drivers will be exported and saved to. You can also export drivers from an offline image. This command exports third-party drivers from an offline image mounted at c:\offline-image is: Export-WindowsDriver -Path c:\offline-image -Destination D:\DriverBackup ====== Microsoft Office ====== * office ebay https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xiDW5vhhBMo * getcid - https://getcid.info/ для телефонной активации * microsoft license приобретение buying ссылка 15 ............ 12U2FsdGVkX1+6qC4WTtQcKRWU8ix7JedyqVgRpNlyyQQBGsVPHvUpoRxTXMRjmLKM ++++ Приобретение лицензии помни про 15.........12 | U2FsdGVkX1/cKwN6cvUmxjmP9G9vavkZJ6lMViODtG59M+frXZLLeaBXxLhcBSq7 WAzViWj/WKmRc9iXT2P0kGXw3TWE8OghHUgINz+2+rrKzcvQHZSlJlYKxSFmXpH6 w9peOktCFcnFWIIKPw9utv0H0v7SBP4k6nOTelHD8mosvn9cQ4v1tJxQhnoi6ZOz U2FsdGVkX18JrFRsmYSOzqad4EoBL/0IA0Jj1/jwVvEI6oBXiVBCzr2BbQlSm4d7 U2FsdGVkX1+uq7HAuIvxTmB6xr/ADkVo7rSHYRy9JEIcQhcyAS119+DF6Yc0wvuc 3726i9OTMytxrjBqmEzLrqKNQUDuaE4fK3hemK7if1s30tcXmCpOv4kZS4sAJcD2 Z6V3OirQKY7AC+MMH1UUhXk+1K7+bkDrTBakma9EJElHGFI0AcFQi8L0Udzk/MZH U2FsdGVkX1++v/whqJLBDcLYXupIZjpRJUMNfLsk28BZTUBHqty3J6YPuenDKLMQ sZleI7r8zRIhEWbDEgfRgrDCv7+rGMXzky1PeNBdox3h84/NsvThuezsMnjeOflI CvEl0JBgGNn77TgUldLHIw== Purchased product microsoft office 2019 pro plus logo hello dear, Thank you for your order! Here is your Office Professional Plus 2019 1 USER key: Microsoft Office Professional Plus 2019 follow this steps: 1 - very important you must uninstall any version of microsoft office on your computer before installing this original version. 2 - microsoft official website installation instructions : just follow the instructions everything is detailed. Link : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/office/troubleshoot/installation/how-to-download-office-install-not-in-vlsc 3 - done If you need any technical support please contact us. We will help you and make sure your Office Professional Plus 2019 1 USER is successfully activated. We look forward your positive feedback, after you download and activate it successfully. If the code or file doesn't work, you can report complaint by clicking on the link below: ++++ * [[https://support.office.com/en-us/article/language-accessory-pack-for-office-82ee1236-0f9a-45ee-9c72-05b026ee809f?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US|Multi language pack for office]] * * * - сбросить серийный номер ==== Install software . Chocolatey/ Winget ==== * https://winstall.app/ * https://github.com/microsoft/winget-cli ++++ Choco install | Set-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -Scope Process -Force; [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [System.Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol -bor 3072; iex ((New-Object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://community.chocolatey.org/install.ps1')) choco install -y adobereader bleachbit cpu-z dismplusplus Far fastcopy ffmpeg FiraCode hashtools notepadplusplus paint.net smplayer spacesniffer sublimetext4 sysinternals vlc winrar -- audacity $ choco install patchcleaner dismplusplus autohotkey.portable bleachbit bleachbit.install ccleaner cryptopro-csp crystaldiskinfo ctags ditto EyesRelax Far fsviewer git git.install GoogleChrome gsmartcontrol hwinfo hwinfo.install hwmonitor microsip mRemoteNG nodejs.install obs-studio putty smplayer sublimetext3 sysinternals veracrypt visioviewer2016 visualstudiocode vscode windjview winmerge winrar xmedia-recode DotNet4.5.2 # smartmontools # speedfan # virtualbox audacity ccleaner chocolatey cpu-z ditto DotNet dotnetfx Far git git.install microsip mRemoteNG notepadplusplus Shotcut smplayer spacesniffer sublimetext3 sysinternals vcredist2008 vlc vscode winrar ++++ ====== Multiboot ====== - [[https://remontka.pro/multiboot-usb-easy2boot/|Multiboot]] ====== Synergy - одна клавиатура несколько ПК ====== * Synergy [[https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/download/details.aspx?id=35460|:!:Mouse without borders]] [[https://github.com/debauchee/barrier/releases|barrier]] ====== Иконки. Расположение иконок сохранить ====== * [[https://www.sordum.org/8366/reicon-v1-9-restore-desktop-icon-layouts/|:!: Reicon]] # отобразить иконки Мой компьютер, Сеть, Мои документы Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,5 ===== BatteryReport - отчет о батареи ===== powercfg /batteryreport ===== SleepReport - что мешает уйти в сон sleep ===== - https://www.outsidethebox.ms/19055/ - https://ocomp.info/windows-ne-uhodit-v-spyashhiy-rezhim.html powercfg /requests ===== delete printer driver and spool clean===== https://helpdeskgeek.com/how-to/remove-uninstall-a-printer-driver-from-windows/ ===== Move / restore profile перемещение профиля ===== https://www.forensit.com/downloads.html ====== Windows server 2008 clean manager ====== https://winitpro.ru/index.php/2016/11/25/zapusk-cleanmgr-bez-desktop-experience/ copy C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_c9392808773cd7da\cleanmgr.exe C:\Windows\System32\ copy C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_b9cb6194b257cc63\cleanmgr.exe.mui C:\Windows\System32\en-US\ ====== Windows Update ( also Drivers) ====== - включить оптимизация доставки обновлений (локальная сеть)Get-DeliveryOptimizationStatus - запустить word для подписки на обновления - запустить update - Get-WindowsUpdateLog - get text log from windows update - resolve trouble with update/app store https://www.wureset.com/ - error with SLS *FAILED* [80072F8F] Method failed [CSLSClient::GetResponse:625] - resolve problem with certificate - import from working "HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates" - https://www.tenforums.com/tutorials/24742-reset-windows-update-windows-10-a.html - reset windows update - uupdump - https://uupdump.ml/download.php https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=m87aj-97JL4 - [[https://blog.simplix.info/updatepack7r2/|updatepack7r2 - updates windows 7 ]] - [[https://windowsreport.com/delete-system-error-memory-dump-files-in-windows/#1|Windows clear files]] - drivers [[http://whp-hou9.cold.extweb.hp.com/pub/caps-softpaq/cmit/HP_SDM.html|Hp packs drivers - HP SoftPaq Download Manager (SDM)]] - update [[https://www.catalog.update.microsoft.com/Search.aspx?q=cumulative%20update%201803|cumulitive]] - release-information/issues [[https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/windows/release-information/status-windows-10-1909|information]] - [[https://www.microsoft.com/ru-ru/software-download/windows10|Update Assistant]]