

  1. license of windows
  2. - list of files microsoft

Win10 info

traystatus PRO - отображение capslock - рисование на экране для ВКС

Windows 40 commands cmds cmd

Windows - команды cmds

Windows настройка

  1. set network type
    Set-NetConnectionProfile -Name "" -NetworkCategory Private
  2. set TimeZone
     Set-TimeZone -Id "Ekaterinburg Standard Time" -PassThru 
  3. rename computer
    Rename-Computer -NewName "main-210XXX"
  4. turn ping ok Параметры сети → центр управления общим доступом → включить общий доступ к файлам и принтерам = заработает PING

Удалённое Подключение PowerShell - <>

Enter-PSSession –ComputerName host [-Credential username]

Активация удаленного доступа <> Настройка удаленного доступа powershell < >

#Enable Remote Desktop connections
Set-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\‘ -Name “fDenyTSConnections” -Value 0

#Enable Network Level Authentication
Set-ItemProperty ‘HKLM:\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Terminal Server\WinStations\RDP-Tcp\‘ -Name “UserAuthentication” -Value 1

#Enable Windows firewall rules to allow incoming RDP
Enable-NetFirewallRule -DisplayGroup “Remote Desktop”

Add-LocalGroupMember -Group "Remote Desktop Users" -Member foo

Windows folders

  1. создать МЕНЮ - C:\ProgramData\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu
  2. %appdata%

Windows Action

  1. Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,5 - вывести на рабочий стол Мой компьютер
  2. diskmgmt.msc - Управление дисками
  3. compmgmt.msc - Управление компьютером
  4. cleanmgr.exe - менеджер очистки

Windows ipsec

→ to fix ipsec Explore Command (Windows Key + E) Right Click on “This PC”, and select “Manage” Once Computer Management Opens, click “Device Manager” Under Network Adapters, uninstall all adapters starting with “WAN Miniport” - Right click, Uninstall Once you've uninstalled all, go to the menu and select “Scan for Hardware Changes” and those adapters will reinstall automatically without restarting.

Now your VPN should work properly. I've run into this twice after clean installs of Windows 10 and after resetting the LAN network adapter.

мне помогло источник

Windows app store winget

winget install -e --id FarManager.FarManager
winget install -e --id Google.Chrome
winget install -e --id FarManager.FarManager


Disable windows tracking

windows drive trim / unmap scsi Space Reclamation, thin provisioning

windows robocopy

# join 2018 → 2020 answer

Robocopy  \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\answer_files_2018\ \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\answer_files\ /TEE /E /R:2  /eta /Z /COPY:DA /v /compress /log:"c:\tmp\robocopy_ISOJ_answer_files_join.log" 
Robocopy  \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\files_2018\ \\\ispdn_hyper-v_bkp\ISOJ_archive\files\ /TEE /E /R:2  /eta /Z /COPY:DA /v /compress /log:"c:\tmp\robocopy_ISOJ_files_join.log" 

Copy directory recursively (/E), 
copy all file information (/COPYALL, equivalent to /COPY:DATSOU, D=Data, A=Attributes, T=Timestamps, S=Security=NTFS ACLs, O=Owner info, U=Auditing info)
, do not retry locked files (/R:0) (the number of retries on failed copies default value is 1 million), 
preserve original directories' Timestamps (/DCOPY:T - requires version XP026 or later):

удаление пустых каталогов - remove empty directories catalogues folders
Robocopy \\\esb-smb\uismv-db-files\СообщениеВИС \\\esb-smb\uismv-db-files\СообщениеВИС /S /Move

windows backup

windows clone

  1. меняем SID для регистрации в домене клона

windows remote assistant

runas  /netonly /\melnikov-ea cmd
msra /offerra


dism /online /export-driver /destination:D:\DriverBackup
In the PowerShell window, type the following command and hit Enter:
Export-WindowsDriver -Online -Destination D:\DriverBackup
Here D:\Driver Backup is the destination folder, where the Drivers will be exported and saved to.
You can also export drivers from an offline image. This command exports third-party drivers from an offline image mounted at c:\offline-image is:
Export-WindowsDriver -Path c:\offline-image -Destination D:\DriverBackup

Microsoft Office

Приобретение лицензии помни про 15.........12

Choco install


Synergy - одна клавиатура несколько ПК

Иконки. Расположение иконок сохранить

# отобразить иконки Мой компьютер, Сеть, Мои документы
Rundll32 shell32.dll,Control_RunDLL desk.cpl,,5
powercfg /batteryreport 

Windows server 2008 clean manager

copy C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_none_c9392808773cd7da\cleanmgr.exe C:\Windows\System32\
copy C:\Windows\winsxs\amd64_microsoft-windows-cleanmgr.resources_31bf3856ad364e35_6.1.7600.16385_en-us_b9cb6194b257cc63\cleanmgr.exe.mui C:\Windows\System32\en-US\

Windows Update ( also Drivers)

  1. включить оптимизация доставки обновлений (локальная сеть)
  2. запустить word для подписки на обновления
  3. запустить update
  1. Get-WindowsUpdateLog - get text log from windows update
  1. resolve trouble with update/app store
  2. error with SLS *FAILED* [80072F8F] Method failed [CSLSClient::GetResponse:625] - resolve problem with certificate
  3. import from working “HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\SystemCertificates”
  1. update cumulitive
  2. release-information/issues information
  • windows/start.txt
  • Last modified: 2024/05/24 13:14
  • by admin